Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Short Review of Final Fantasy 13

I will be reviewing Final Fantasy 13 by Square Enix due to the fact that I have played final fantasy for just under a year and have still not finished it. Ok I haven’t done it quickly but that has made me stop and be completely blown away by the amazing graphics and change from normal TV and to HD. The Story as true to every Final Fantasy game is massive and complex and yet not difficult to keep track of. However as a bit of down point is the lack of free roam they have put into final fantasy 13 compared to its predecessor number 12 was a completely free roam epic. After 150 hours of game play I still don’t know the ending. This made Final Fantasy 13 be a slight disappointment from the start but then it picks you up and sweeps you straight into the characters life and keeps you involved. As always the cinematic part of Final Fantasy franchise has shone through with truly amazing quality no wonder it takes them roughly 5 years to create the new part. This also however creates a bigger pit of disappointment because I waited five years to have the new game take everything I liked about the previous games and change it.
Overall for the truly epic storyline and amazing HD videos to create a game that feels more like a movie to watch in the cinema Square Enix have managed to create an amazing game that really does live up to the famous franchise it is part of.

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